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    We Believe...

    ...that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God and that He is the Savior of the world.

    ...our mission is to provide worship, fellowship and Christian education using God's word, The Bible.

    ...that God is love and that His love is available to everyone through Jesus Christ.

    ...that the love of God makes us His children who then love both God and man.

  • Meet Our Staff

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    Brad Cox

    Brad has been a pastor her e at The Chapel since May 1, 2004.We love his practical and timely Bible based sermons and his heart to reach out to others.

    Contact Brad at 574-518-1068

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    Harlan Steffen

    Harlan is the retired pastor of The Chapel having come here in 1969. His love for God and others is apparent when you see his heart for people.

    Contact Harlan at 574-529-3627

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    Youth Leaders

    Youth Group

    Alisa Custer


    Kids K-5

    Mary Vasquez

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    Miss Sunday's service? Click here to see the most recent sermon.

    Click to see Sunday March 23rd bulletin

    Please send prayer requests that we missed in the bulletin, and tell us happy things going on in your life that you wish to share!

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    Musical talents in your life? Vocal or instrumental...

    It doesn't matter, please share with us Sunday mornings.


    March 23, Family Game Night 5-7, fun times!

    March 30, Road side clean-up, weiny roast to follow!

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    Sunday Morning

    a time to connect.

    Join us at 10 am for a traditional service that includes music, Scripture reading and a relevant message. Childcare is provided. Then, after a brief social time in our Fellowship Room, Sunday School classes begin.

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    Mid Week Services

    building relationships.

    Youth Group (Jr. and Sr. High) will meet next Wednesday at 5-6pm on
  • The Chapel as Your Wedding Venue

    Make your vows in our beautiful Chapel and celebrate your union in our Fellowship Hall complete with a commercial kitchen and stage for a band or to seat your wedding party.

    We even have a bridal readying area with a private restroom!

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    Bridal Room

    Large mirrors with good lighting, sinks and a private restroom.

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    Bridal Room

    More counters and mirrors for your wedding party preparations!

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    Fellowship Room

    No need to rent tables and chairs. We already have them!!

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    Large Kitchen

    Lots of counter space for your caterers with multiple sinks and ovens. Window service area is convenient and there is still room for more serving tables off to the side.



    Contact Brad at 574-518-1068

  • Contact Us

    We are a community oriented church, and you are our community. If you have need for prayer or some assistance please reach out and we will do what we can. Compass Community Assistance programs (574-529-1663) is an arm of the Wawase Syracuse Ministerial Association. Donations of usable items or money can be made at the Syracuse Compass Thrift Shop in Syracuse for helping others in need in our community.

    10419 North Turkey Creek Road Syracuse, Indiana 46567

    PO Box 544 Syracuse, Indiana 46567
    10 AM Sunday